Receive Research Grant Cheque from BSFMSTU Research Cell, September 20, 2023

Bangladesh is a great delta formed by three mighty Himalayan rivers: the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna. Moreover, landscape of Bangladesh is almost flat except eastern areas, but its biogeographic realms divided by international borders (India by the West, East & North and Myanmar by the south-eastern) affect the floral and faunal diversity in a drastic manner. A transboundary river is a river that crosses at least one political boarder, either a border within a state or an international boundary. There are more than 400 rivers in Bangladesh. Out of them only 54 are transboundary rivers (54 shares with India and 3 shares with Myanmar). Most freshwater fishes have an  innate  tendency  to  move  across  long  riverine  distances  without  the  restriction  of  any  political  boundaries. However, the equitable sharing of biological resources, especially for ichthyofauna, is often affected in transboundary riverine systems. Hence, the estimation of  spatial  diversity  and  conservation  of  biodiversity  elements  in  transboundary  regions  are  a  major  cause  of concern for protecting the biodiversity wealth of any country. Fishes from transboundary rivers of north-eastern area in Bangladesh seem unexplored using integrative taxonomy approaches i.e. molecular, morphology, meristic and ecology data. To unveil the hidden biodiversity of fishes from the transboundary rivers, proposed research is initiated to make a error free, accurate freshwater species list in Bangladesh.


Figure: Received a cheque of 915 USD (FY 2023-2024 Research Project) from Honorable Vice-Chancellor of BSFMSTU.