Research outcomes get coverage of several national and international electronic/print media. For example, recently in August 23, 2015; the daily SAMAKAL published my research on frog genetics. Please see the following link http://www.esamakal. In addition, the new species of Hoplobatrachus litoralis was highlighted in the “INNOVATION” magazine at Hiroshima University in 2012. Further, in this year in June 30, 2014 the most popular daily newspaper of southern Japan i.e. “CHUGUKOU SHINBUN” also published my novel research findings. These novel findings were also disclosed as an article in Bangladesh Daily Newspapers (The Pratam Alo, The Ittefaq, The Independent, The Kaler Kantho, The Samakal and so on).
In the below, you can find some selected news pictures which was published in different dailies: